Living in a consumer capitalist society, which places great significance on work, there is a call for an appreciation of the everyday. To do this we have to consider what is left when we take work out of the equation. What we have left is what French philosopher, Henri Lefebvre described as moments. These moments are opportunities to find joy, clarity, importance, and pattern in our everyday lives, and cannot be codified or commodified.
Focussing on textiles, embroidery, and digital collage, I elevate the everyday and its mundanity into something worth appreciating. By recreating the moments in life that change and disrupt everyday routine, I am creating a new and deconstructed remnant of my existence. My works feature an anthropomorphic rat avatar, Levi, who restages these banal events that I chose to elevate through their representation as artworks. They become an exaggerated narrative set apart from my own life. Moments have become an opportunity to escape into a world I am building with my avatar, a world in which Levi exclusively experiences moments.
2020-2023: BA(Hons) Fine Art, University of Salford, Manchester, UK
Group Exhibitions
2023: Art, Music, Pattern, Structure, Stoller Hall, Manchester
2022: Room 101,Terrace NQ, Manchester
2022: RESET THE SYSTEM, Antwerp Mansion, Manchester
2022: 20:20 Print exchange, Hot Bed Press, Salford, Manchester
2021: 20:20 Print exchange, Hot Bed Press, Salford, Manchester